10 Movies That Should Have Been Included in the National Film Registry By Now

4. The Shining

Stephen King may not like it but Stanley Kubrick€™s take on his novel about a family stuck in a haunted hotel revolutionized the horror genre. Many filmmakers have tried and failed to match its twisted genius. They haven€™t succeeded because of Kubrick€™s unique style. His perfectionism and insistence on countless retakes wouldn€™t go over well in today€™s studio-dominated system. Fans love to argue over what the film is €œreally about€ whether it€™s an allegory about the genocide of Native Americans or a study of the breakdown of the family unit. But what no one can argue with is the impact scenes such as the river of blood and €œHere€™s Johnny!€ have had on pop culture. With so many iconic moments, it€™s a wonder this masterwork hasn€™t already been included.
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I am a fan of film, Doctor Who (and sci-fi in general), fantasy, the adventure genre of gaming (the Myst series in particular), making lists and caesar salad.