10 Movies That Spent Stupid Money On Pointless Things

7. Green Lantern's "Improved" CGI ($9 Million)

Green Lantern Ryan Reynolds
Warner Bros.

Martin Campbell's infamously awful Ryan Reynolds-starring Green Lantern movie cost an astonishing $200 million...and only ended up grossing a mere $219.3 million worldwide.

But just two months before the superhero tentpole was due to hit cinemas, Warner Bros. added an extra $9 million to the budget to bolster the film's visual effects, following an overwhelmingly negative fan response to the wonky VFX present in trailers.

Ultimately it was a total waste of money, because one of the most consistent complaints about the final film was how rough the CGI looked despite the massive budget, especially the ill-advised decision to give Reynolds' Hal Jordan an entirely CG costume.

There isn't really any way to make a faithful Green Lantern movie without a Titanic-sized budget, but the entire design philosophy behind the movie was so, so wrong.

This needed a shrewd combination of practical and CGI elements, rather than the headache-inducing blur of garish VFX which were clearly rushed to meet a set-in-stone summer release date.


Stay at home dad who spends as much time teaching his kids the merits of Martin Scorsese as possible (against the missus' wishes). General video game, TV and film nut. Occasional sports fan. Full time loon.