10 Movies That Spent Stupid Money On Pointless Things

6. Speed 2: Cruise Control's Practical Climax ($25 Million)

Speed 2 Cruise Control

Speed 2: Cruise Control is undeniably one of the worst sequels to a great movie ever, and with a budget estimated to be as high as $160 million, it cost many, many times more than the comparatively indie-sized, $30 million original.

The film's climax involves a tanker crashing into a quaint coastal town, and due to director Jan de Bont's decision to shoot the scene practically, it ended up costing an insane $25 million - just $5 million less than the entire first film.

The town set alone cost $5 million to build and had to be re-built after a hurricane destroyed it, while filming the actual collision required diesel engines to propel a 270-ton replica boat through the city on a track which was 1000 feet long and built 60 feet underwater.

Though most of the ship was a physical prop in the final scene, one-third of it was created digitally for practicality's sake, adding further costs to the ballooning budget.

Given that this scene lasts just five minutes, it's been estimated that a single second of filming cost a mind-melting $83,000. All this for a sequence that, ultimately, wasn't nearly as tense or memorable as any single set-piece from the original movie. Oof.


Stay at home dad who spends as much time teaching his kids the merits of Martin Scorsese as possible (against the missus' wishes). General video game, TV and film nut. Occasional sports fan. Full time loon.