10 Movies That Spent Stupid Money On Pointless Things

5. Varsity Blues' Use Of AC/DC's "Thunderstruck" ($500,000)

Varsity Blues
Paramount Pictures

It's no secret that musicians can command high prices to license their most iconic pop licks in movies, but even so, the $500,000 that 1999 sports drama Varsity Blues paid to use AC/DC's classic rock tune "Thunderstruck" is absolutely absurd.

The anthem is featured during one of the film's glossy American football sequences, which lasts around two minutes, and when the movie’s music supervisor Thomas Golubic heard how much the band was asking, he claimed he was "horrified."

But the production had enough money left in the kitty to pay the band their fee rather than seek out alternatives, which is all the more amusing given that the film's total production budget was just $16 million.

Given that any generic rock song would've fit the scene just fine, and the sequence is really only remembered due to the hilarious Not Another Teen Movie parody of it, it's hard to view it as money well spent.

But at the same time, the film came in under-budget and was a solid commercial success, so it's on the lower-end of silly Hollywood spending.


Stay at home dad who spends as much time teaching his kids the merits of Martin Scorsese as possible (against the missus' wishes). General video game, TV and film nut. Occasional sports fan. Full time loon.