10 Movies That Start At The End

1. Pulp Fiction

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'Pulp Fiction' is Quentin Tarantino's undoubted masterpiece. The film is a black comedy based around the criminal underworld of Los Angeles. It weaves several stories together and presents them in a non-linear story arc. This film differs in its use of backwards chronology, as where the film may start and end with the same scene, the story does not. This use of, not reverse chronology, but rather a muddled chronology was one of the reasons that this film was almost never financed, but was also a defining factor in its stylisation and eventually its status as a cult classic.

The Start The opening scene takes place in a diner, in which a couple are discussing their business of robbery over food. They come to the conclusion that the very diner they are sitting in would be the perfect backdrop to their next escapade; a conclusion that doesn't play out until the very end of the film.

The End The couple's attempted robbery of the diner is brought to a halt when they request that Jules hands over a briefcase he is guarding at his table. Of course, the importance (and un-hand-over-able-ness) of this briefcase is highlighted throughout the whole film, resulting in an intense finale between Jules, Vincent and the marauding couple. Suffice it to say, the couple do not leave with the briefcase, but they do leave with their lives. And some money.


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Steven Bardgett hasn't written a bio just yet, but if they had... it would appear here.