10 Movies That Suck So Bad You Can't Believe They Even Got Made

7. Guardians

The Happening Mark Wahlberg
Turbo Films

As the superhero craze swept cinema and saw numerous other countries throw their hats into the ring in an attempt to play Hollywood at their own game, Russia stepped in and definitively showed how it should never be done.

The concept of 'the Russian Avengers' is enough to pique the curiosity, but trying to figure out exactly what the hell Guardians is supposed to be is an entirely different matter. A team of Soviet-era superheroes assembled during the Cold War that each represent a former state sounds like a weird cross between the Justice League and Captain Planet, but the end result is ten times stranger and a whole lot worse than that.

You can gauge the level of imagination that went into Guardians when you find out the titular team have such original names as Landman, Windman, Waterwoman and Wildman, who at least lives up to his moniker by occasionally transforming into a poorly-rendered CGI bear.

A sequel was originally announced that would have added a Chinese hero to the team in a not at all transparent attempt to increase the commercial appeal, but after Guardians was roundly labeled by both Russian and global critics as one of the worst movies in history, any plans for a franchise were swiftly abandoned.

For once, the expected jokes were spot on for a change; In Soviet Russia, Avengers assembles you, and still nobody cared about the discounted version of Earth's Mightiest Heroes, or in this case Russia's Most Convenient Heroes.

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