10 Movies That Suck So Bad You Can't Believe They Even Got Made

6. Any Uwe Boll Video Game Movie

The Happening Mark Wahlberg

Mercifully, Uwe Boll seems to have retired from the directing business, although he did it of his own accord and not on account of the petition essentially telling him to f**k off that amassed over a million signatures.

The infuriating thing about the filmmaker is that his movies are terrible, he knows that they're terrible, but he didn't care and kept making them anyway. Surely the aim of any long-term career would be to show some kind of personal or professional growth, and not to just keep churning out utter crap out of spite.

The highest-rated of his video game adaptations currently holds a whopping 4% rating on Rotten Tomatoes, which pretty much sums up the overall quality of House of the Dead, Alone in the Dark, Far Cry, three Bloodraynes and two Dungeon Sieges, all of which could easily be ranked among some of the worst movies ever made.

At one stage he wanted to make a big screen version of Warcraft but was told by owners Blizzard that 'we will not sell the movie rights, not to you. Especially not to you', which pretty much tells you everything that you need to know about both his skill and reputation in the industry. Please stay retired Uwe Boll, we beg of you.

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