10 Movies That Tricked You Into Believing Heroes Were Evil

6. Cube - David Worth

Aliens James Cameron

Cube is an underrated gem with its wholly unique atmosphere and setting being backed up by some very intelligent writing.

In Cube, all the characters serve an importance to the plot, and by the end of the film the audience's perception of them all is completely different from when it started. Quentin is introduced as the hero character, being a cop and taking charge to give the group some focus.

David is an irritatingly negative person who seems to be there just to annoy the hell out of everyone. He also is the only one who knows details about the titular cube that he keeps to himself, showcasing his untrustworthiness.

By the halfway mark, he comes off as a complete liability. He sulks and points out the fruitlessness of their actions, all while laughing at the groups failings.

However, as the real Quentin comes out over time and as he gets more angry and violent, David steps up to take over the leadership role. While Quentin begins forcing the others to do his bidding, you learn David is such a pessimist due to his depression about his empty life on the outside, and his knowledge of the Cube is actually not that incriminating.

In the end, he sacrifices himself to save the innocent Kazan and stopping the now villainous Quinten from gaining his freedom.

There are very few films that can completely change an audience's perception of a character so drastically, but Cube managed it with an expertly crafted script.

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Crazy fan of MMA who also loves his films.