10 Movies That Tricked You Into Believing Heroes Were Evil

7. Aliens - Bishop

Aliens James Cameron
20th Century Studios

After it was revealed Ash was secretly an android and became the film's secondary villain in the original Alien, when the sequel had a similarly creepy robot in its crew all signs pointed to him being another villainous company toy.

Bishop even shows all same traits that lead Ash astray, with a fascination and admiration of the Alien creatures threatening everyone and keeping his motives and experiments secret. For most of the movie, he's just an unnerving presence.

In the end, though, it's revealed his speech about being incapable of harming a human was true. He ends up risking his own life many times and saving the heroes with his superior intelligence. Bishop also showed he carried emotions, as he bravely risked his own life for the others despite admitting he would rather not.

Bishop's actions turned Ripley's deep-rooted mistrust of androids around, and even ended up surviving to the film's climax where he saves newt from getting sucked out into space despite being ripped in half.

Bishop showed you shouldn't judge someone based on what they are, and audiences ended up cheering for him by the end of a movie that began with Ripley screaming at him to stay away from her.

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Crazy fan of MMA who also loves his films.