10 Movies That Unbelievably Cut What We Wanted To See

1. Maturin The Turtle - It Chapter Two

It Chapter Two Pennywise
Warner Bros.

Adapting Stephen King's legendary horror novel to the big screen was a gargantuan challenge for many reasons, most of all that the nasty, possibly cocaine-fuelled content of King's book doesn't really lend itself well to a big-budget Hollywood movie.

But the first It towed the line brilliantly, delivering the R-rated, boundary-pushing violence fans hoped for, while nevertheless omitting the ickier aspects of King's source material, namely a sequence where the young Losers engage in an orgy in order to heighten their bond.

And while it's easy to argue for that cut, the recently-released It Chapter Two disappointingly excludes one of the most beloved - and, honestly, bats**t insane - elements from the book.

We're talking, of course, about Maturin, the novel's gigantic cosmic turtle who vomited the universe into existence (really), serves as Pennywise's natural enemy and provides Bill with advice on how to defeat the entity. Yup.

In a 170-minute movie that features a ridiculous Native American ritual in an attempt to defeat a shapeshifting alien who masquerades as a clown, is a God-like turtle really where we're drawing the line?

Director Andy Muschietti has stated that he shot a scene for the first movie where Bill (Jaeden Lieberher) briefly encounters Maturin, but it never made the cut and could appear in the planned Director's Cut.

As for Chapter Two, though it features a few nods to Maturin - a model turtle is visible on a school desk and the root adult Bill (James McAvoy) is poisoned with is called Maturin - the gloriously insane CGI talking turtle many fans wanted to see is sadly totally absent. Boo.


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Stay at home dad who spends as much time teaching his kids the merits of Martin Scorsese as possible (against the missus' wishes). General video game, TV and film nut. Occasional sports fan. Full time loon.