10 Movies That Unbelievably Cut What We Wanted To See

5. Billy Vs. The Predator - Predator

Predator Billy

John McTiernan's Predator is not much for subtlety, a beautiful blunt object of a movie that's nevertheless one of the greatest action films of the 20th century.

But there is one especially curious, potentially badass moment that McTiernan bizarrely shields the audience from, and that's the death of soldier Billy (Sonny Landham).

After witnessing the slaughter of Mac (Bill Duke) and Dillon (Carl Weathers) at the hands of the light-bending extraterrestrial, Billy ditches his weapons and challenges the Predator to a mano-y-mano fight, which he promptly loses...off-screen.

Given that the film has shown the audience countless skinned bodies, an exploded head and a dismembered arm by this point, denying them the pleasure of a battle between the two seems like an odd move - especially as we subsequently get to see the Predator claim Billy's skull, spinal cord and all, as a trophy.

Fans continue to debate the nature of Billy's demise in the movie - was he insane, or just buying his comrades time? - but given McTiernan's otherwise totally unrestrained approach to violence, it was a weird directorial move.

Even so, it was the most badass ground-standing moment in the entire series until 2010's Predators, when a dude took on a Predator with a damn samurai sword - and we actually got to see that fight.


Stay at home dad who spends as much time teaching his kids the merits of Martin Scorsese as possible (against the missus' wishes). General video game, TV and film nut. Occasional sports fan. Full time loon.