10 Movies That Unexpectedly Confused Audiences

1. Brahms: The Boy II

Prometheus movie
STX Entertainment

And finally, we have a film which from the ground-up is just a completely baffling creation, the recent sequel to 2016's surprise horror hit, The Boy.

The first film revolved around a woman (Lauren Cohan) being hired to serve as the nanny to Brahms, a porcelain doll which has been serving as a stand-in for the real boy who perished in a fire 20 years earlier.

The obvious implication is that the doll is haunted by the real Brahms, yet the big twist is that Brahms is actually alive and living inside the mansion's walls. Yup.

By film's end, the doll is smashed but the real Brahms survives, yet the sequel unexpectedly ditches this continuity entirely and reverts back to the notion that, yes, the doll really is haunted.

For the few people who were actually interested in a sequel, it was a bizarre slap in the face, to throw out the established lore and needlessly re-jig the continuity.

In addition to making no mention of the human Brahms, the sequel also ret-cons the doll's properties, revealing that underneath its porcelain exterior is a demonic face, rather than it being hollow as established in the original.

The movie is a boatload of WTF, and despite the first film's writer-director team returning for the sequel, they clearly had no regard for what little they got right the first time around. Likely as a result of this, the film tanked at the box office, killing a low-key cash cow in the process.

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Stay at home dad who spends as much time teaching his kids the merits of Martin Scorsese as possible (against the missus' wishes). General video game, TV and film nut. Occasional sports fan. Full time loon.