10 Movies That Wasted Their Best Weapon

2. The BFG - Doom

Vanderohe Army Of The Dead Omari Hardwick

2005's Doom adaptation is not a good movie, but fans were at least confident the film would feature the series' iconic super-weapon, the BFG - that's "Big F**king Gun" - in prominent fashion.

In the Doom games, the BFG 9000 is the most powerful weapon players can wield, an unfathomably destructive plasma-based behemoth which will melt practically anything in the vicinity.

In the movie, the "Bio Force Gun," as it's called, is fired only once in a single underwhelming scene.

Rather than have protagonist Reaper (Karl Urban) use the BFG on the final boss monster, Sarge (Dwayne Johnson) just shoots it at an Imp which attacks a member of his squad.

Much to fans' dismay, the resulting damage is oddly muted, the BFG firing a blue plasma blast which melts a portion of the surrounding area.

It doesn't quite feel like a satisfying payoff considering the comically ridiculous size of the gun and the fact that only The Rock is a jacked enough dude to carry it.


Stay at home dad who spends as much time teaching his kids the merits of Martin Scorsese as possible (against the missus' wishes). General video game, TV and film nut. Occasional sports fan. Full time loon.