10 Movies That WASTED Villains From Their Source Material
7. Nicole Horne - Max Payne

Max Payne's initial success in the world of video games came by merit of its gripping noir story, and it was easily one of only a small number of games that could have lent itself well to a movie adaptation.
When it was adapted to the big screen in 2008, and big names like Mark Wahlberg, Mila Kunis and Beau Bridges were attached, it seemed as though the source material might be given a fair opportunity to shine with just a little Hollywood magic applied to the flawlessly gritty story it already boasted.
The result was a mess, for a number of reasons.
One of the most insulting, however, was the downplaying of Nicole Horne's role as the game's big bad, and the swelling of minor character B.B. to the movie's main antagonist.
Apparently done simply so that Marky Mark could have an epic face-off on the Aesir building's helipad at the movie's climax.
The issue here was that not only did the writers mess with an already brilliant story, but they did so with such a blatant lack of respect that it alienated the movie's entire audience.