10 Movies That Went Into Totally Unnecessary Detail

8. Benedict Cumberbatch Wore A Replica Of Alan Turning's Dentures - The Imitation Game

Team America Kim Jong Il

All actors have their own distinct methods for getting into character, and this can prove especially extreme when they're portraying a real person who actually lived.

To that end, to get fully into character to play cryptanalyst Alan Turing in 2014's The Imitation Game, Benedict Cumberbatch didn't just do fastidious research on the man - he quite literally wore his teeth.

Cumberbatch had a replica of Turing's actual 60-year-old dentures made, which he then wore throughout the shoot in an attempt to better replicate the man's physical appearance.

And while it's an ultimately harmless act on Cumberbatch's part, given that most audience members likely never even noticed that Cumberbatch's teeth looked any different, was there much point?

In the famous words of Sir Lawrence Olivier, "My dear boy, why don't you try acting?"

Yet as Cumberbatch ended up receiving a Best Actor Oscar nomination for his performance in the film, he's probably pretty damn happy with his preparatory choices.


Stay at home dad who spends as much time teaching his kids the merits of Martin Scorsese as possible (against the missus' wishes). General video game, TV and film nut. Occasional sports fan. Full time loon.