10 Movies That Were Far Too Serious For Their Own Good

1. Cowboys & Aliens (2012)

Cowboys and Aliens What a wasted opportunity. That's how I felt coming out of Cowboys & Aliens, which - for all intents and purposes - should have been a pulp classic for the ages. James Bond and Indiana Jones as cowboys?! Cowboys who do battle with aliens?! What's not to love? Everything, actually, given that Jon Faverau's movie can't seem to find the right tone from the off, and constantly shifts between seriousness and... well, "sort of" seriousness for the length of its running time. I really can't work out what tone he was actually shooting for here at all. Had Faverau opted to just embrace the ridiculousness and add some humour, this would have worked. There's no sense of fun about the movie at all, and it's called Cowboys & Aliens. That's the name of a game you'd play in the yard as a kid - a movie based entirely around that concept should have been a dream come true! But for some reason all the actors in this failed western sci-fi hybrid don't seem to understand what kind of movie they're in. Whereas we should have had goofy moments, in-jokes and pulpy dialogue cues, we got Harrison Ford looking broody for two hours. Yay. Like this article? Let us know in the comments section below.

All-round pop culture obsessive.