10 Movies That Were Saved By One Genius Tweak

1. Tom Cruise Polishes The Ending Music - Mission: Impossible - Rogue Nation

Rogue Nation

On top of being Hollywood's go-to daredevil, box-office gold, and seemingly growing younger by the year somehow, it turns out that Tom Cruise is also something of an editing genius, too.

Back when the megastar was on the verge of finishing off what was then his latest chunk of Mission: Impossible goodness in 2015 by the name of Rogue Nation, the studio decided to drop the film into some test screenings to see how the incoming Ethan Hunt mission would perform.

As director Christopher McQuarrie would eventually reveal to Mission: Impossible podcast LightTheFuse, however, audience members were quick to note how the film felt like it had "five endings." But instead of "cutting out some of the business at the end", Cruise drew everyone's attention to the closing stages of the film's music.

In the star's words, "Every scene with the temp score, it’s, duh-duh! And it feels like the movie’s over." So sensing the opportunity for a simple fix instead of erasing any of the glorious action seen throughout the team's capture of the chilling Solomon Lane, Cruise suggested instead to "just write a 20 minute piece that plays through the entire last two reels, like it’s one sequence."

Sure enough, upon replacing the frequent "duh-duh's!" with the new theme, "the (test) score shot up, and all the notes went away."

Is there anything this man cannot do?

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