10 Movies That Were So Bad You Couldn't Even Get Angry

8. Fantastic Four

Rise Of Skywalker
Warner Bros.

Although Jonah Hex might like to have a word, Josh Trank's infamous Fantastic Four reboot is widely regarded as quite possibly the worst comic book movie ever made.

The tales from behind the scenes have since become legendary, and seem to have ruined Trank's career in the process, but the finished product remains a morbidly fascinating watch because you can tell just from sitting through it that this is a $150 million blockbuster barely stitched together by a studio who knew it was terrible, but had to release it anyway.

There's no humor, no stakes, no tension, and no identifiable form of excitement or enjoyment to be derived from Fantastic Four, and after being the subjects of four terrible outings in a row, let's hope that the First Family of Marvel Comics get the big screen treatment they deserve now that they're in Kevin Feige's capable hands.


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