10 Movies That Were So Bad You Couldn't Even Get Angry

4. Battlefield Earth

Rise Of Skywalker
Warner Bros.

What happens when you take a self-indulgent movie star with delusions of grandeur who described the source material as 'like Star Wars, only better', and hand him a $75 million budget and creative control to make a thinly-veiled Scientology propaganda film disguised as a wannabe sci-fi epic? You get Battlefield Earth, one of the worst movies ever made.

Incredibly, John Travolta was so sure that the project would be a success that he initially wanted Quentin Tarantino to direct, but after he unsurprisingly turned them down the production instead hired The Phantom Menace's second-unit director Roger Christian on George Lucas' recommendation, making George zero-for-two when it comes to turn-of-the-millennium sci-fi.

Battlefield Earth tanked at the box office to the surprise of nobody except maybe Travolta, but has now found something of an ironic second life as one of those 'so bad it has to be seen to be believed' movies that people derive huge entertainment from, based entirely on how poorly-conceived, woefully misguided, poorly-executed and abjectly awful it is.


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