10 Movies That Were So Bad You Couldn't Even Get Angry

2. The Mummy

Rise Of Skywalker
Universal Pictures

Even though countless other studios had tried and failed miserably in building shared universes of their own to piggyback on the MCU's success, you almost have to admire the balls on Universal for putting so many eggs into a basket that didn't even exist yet when it came to the Dark Universe.

Reinventing their stable of classic monsters as action-driven star vehicles was an odd creative choice for characters that have always had more tragic and Gothic backgrounds, with Universal sparing no expense in deciding to hire A-listers Tom Cruise, Russell Crowe, Johnny Depp and Javier Bardem, and having them pose for a cast photo that now serves only as a reminder of how badly they f**ked it up.

The Mummy seemed so preoccupied with beating audiences over the head with the idea that there was much more to come from the Dark Universe through Easter Eggs and exposition that they completely forgot to put any effort into making a movie good enough to actually entice people to come back for more.

Tom Cruise basically does Tom Cruise things like running really fast and jumping or falling off things, except it feels like he's accidentally wandered into the wrong movie and has no idea how to react to reanimated corpses or hallucinations of his recently-deceased friend. To be fair, nobody else did either.


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