10 Movies That Were So Bad You Couldn't Even Get Angry

1. Justice League

Rise Of Skywalker
Warner Bros.

Maybe one day we'll eventually get to see the fabled Snyder Cut of Justice League, with the director's original vision for the DCEU team-up fast approaching mythical status. Until then, we'll have to make do with what we ended up with, and it isn't great.

Following Snyder's departure, DC and Warner Bros. didn't do themselves any favors in avoiding comparisons to the MCU by hiring Joss Whedon to step in and finish the movie, leading to an awkward tonal balance between the house style established in Man of Steel and Batman v Superman, and the Avengers director's signature quip-happy dialogue.

Whedon was also under strict orders from the studio to keep Justice League under two hours, which is why it clocks in at exactly 120 minutes, and as a result the plot is a shambles packed full of dire exposition, half-baked story threads, one-dimensional characterization and one of the worst villains in the history of comic book movies.

For a movie that cost a reported $300 million when all was said and done, the effects are frequently dire, ranging from the final action sequence's ugly red backdrop to Steppenwolf in general, via Henry Cavill's infamous post-production mustache removal that made him look like the victim of plastic surgery gone horribly wrong.

Justice League should go down in history as an example of how not to finish a movie that loses the director halfway through. Joss Whedon's footage is so completely at odds with Snyder's that bolting the two together never works, and has ultimately led to the DCEU quietly rebooting itself and hoping that nobody notices.


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