10 Movies That Will Make You Cry Yourself To Sleep

10. Young@Heart

Sure, on paper, a documentary about senior citizens forming a vocal group that sings tunes by David Bowie, The Clash, and Prince sounds like an awesomely life-affirming story about people who don't just get older...but also get infinitely cooler. And, for the most part, that's true. But the thing about elderly people is... well... you know (hint: It rhymes with shmeth). And so even though the first half is exceedingly joyful (almost cloying, really), the harsh realities of life are lurking just around the corner. The saddest moment comes immediately after the passing of chorus member, Bob Salvini. It's not the death that stings the most, but the friend he left behind, Fred Knittle. Bob and Fred were scheduled to sing a duet of sorts at the next performance. After Bob's passing, Fred decided to sing the song, Coldplay's "Fix You," as a tribute to his dear friend. The camera cuts back and forth between the performer's sullen face and shots of Bob's family in the crowd. Once he hits the line "Lights will guide you home" with that sweet baritone, the tissues had better be at the ready.

Jacob is a part-time contributor for WhatCulture, specializing in music, movies, and really, really dumb humor.