10 Movies That Will Make You Cry Yourself To Sleep

9. The Iron Giant

I've said it before and I'll say it again: If you want to run a test for determining irredeemable sociopath, all you have to do is sit them down in front of the TV and make them watch The Iron Giant. If they don't show any emotion when the titular giant robot sacrifices himself to save a 9-year-old boy who just so happens to be his best friend, then yeah, that person is dangerous and should not be trusted. What The Iron Giant does better than most animated films of the 90s is develop the kinship between a robot from outer space and a typical suburban family without playing the violin strings right up front. No, there's no emotional manipulation a la cheesy montage or melancholy musical number. Which makes the "ultimate sacrifice" at the end hit a thousand times harder. Even though the filmmakers decide to let us off the hook with a suggestion that the robot isn't really "dead" by the film's end, it's still not enough to erase the image of the dutiful, extraterrestrial numbskull hurdling himself toward a missile, proclaiming himself to be "Su-per-man."

Jacob is a part-time contributor for WhatCulture, specializing in music, movies, and really, really dumb humor.