10 Movies That Will Make You Cry Yourself To Sleep

4. How To Die In Oregon

Whether or not you agree with the documentary's politically-tinged assertions that terminally ill patients should be able to "die with dignity," How To Die In Oregon will at the very least fill you with grief over the unfortunate circumstances that have led to these very real people ending up in situations that make them want to end it all. It's heartbreaking from start to finish, as we're sucked into the grim world of terminal illness and impending suicide. The question of "when" to go through with the medically-assisted end has different answers for every individual, and watching the various subjects try to answer that question is painfully sad. Rather than try to lump these individuals under a singular umbrella, turning them into generic, faceless patients, How To Die In Oregon deftly explores each person's lifestyle and philosophies, presenting shades of grey to a rightfully complex issue. By the time the central subject, 54-year-old wife and mother Cody Curtis, starts preparing her family for the eventuality of her necessary suicide, it'll be impossible not to feel their anguish.

Jacob is a part-time contributor for WhatCulture, specializing in music, movies, and really, really dumb humor.