10 Movies That Will Make You Cry Yourself To Sleep

5. Hachi: A Dog's Tale

For a lot of people, watching pets die on screen is even harder to take than watching it happen to their human counterparts. Because animals represent a level of innocence that is virtually unmatched in people. So seeing a dog die in a movie really sucks. And that's why filmmakers are so quick to use our furry friends against us, manipulating our emotions by letting us bond with the canine onscreen just so they can set us up for a big emotional crash at the end. And although movies like Marley & Me and Eight Below admirably show the grief that the loss of man's best friend can heap on a person, there's only one movie that shows the flip side. Hachi explores the unwavering loyalty that dogs have for their owners in a way that will make your tears cry more, smaller tears. Every day, Hachi waits at the train station for his master to return home from work. Every day. Even after his master dies of a heart attack. Every day. And, by the way, his master dies with a ton of runtime left in the film. Which means we're left to watch an increasingly heartbroken, aging dog maintain this depressing ritual for most of the third act. When Hachi is finally "called home," it's with a mix of sorrow and relief that we say goodbye.

Jacob is a part-time contributor for WhatCulture, specializing in music, movies, and really, really dumb humor.