10 Movies That Will Probably Cause World War 3

2. Oldboy

oldboy On the list of unnecessary remakes, Oldboy ranks pretty high. Oldboy originated as a Japanese Manga series and was adapted into a movie by South Korean director, Park Chan-Wook back in the early 2000's. It was a brilliant, masterpiece of a revenge tale that quickly became one of the most beloved movies of the past decade. Hollywood said, "we could probably make some money on that," and thus, the remake was born. The new movie has a lot going for it with Spike Lee directing and James Brolin, Samuel L. Jackson and Elizabeth Olsen starring. We might be ok here but, man we're playing with fire. Angering Japan, the country with a history of having the balls to fly across the Pacific and give the United States the what for may not be the safest strategy. At least we have South Korea looking out for us. Oh, wait they€™re the other country likely to be infuriated with a bad remake. We could destroy relationships with Japan and South Korea in one fell swoop. On the bright side, North and South Korea could always reconcile their differences by focusing their shared vitriol at the United States. Oh wait, that is definitely not something to hope for.
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I'm married and live in New York with my wife and pets. I'm a writer and definitely not a comedian (just ask my wife). I've successfully linked my twitter, goodreads, facebook and google+ pages although the successful aspect of all that is up for debate. I also started my own blog on wordpress and have just finished my first novel, The Violent Winds. Now it's time to try and trick some unsuspecting fool into buying it.