10 Movies The Critics Were Wrong About
1. Hook
Hook may be far from the best Steven Spielberg movie, but it's nevertheless held in a fond regard by many Robin Williams fans, and simply those who appreciate its unconventional remix of the Peter Pan story, years before Hollywood repeatedly adapted it to death.
But did you know that Hook has a mere 29% approval rating with reviewers? Wild.
Critics found this to mostly be a bust for Spielberg - an exercise in the filmmaker falling asleep at the wheel and giving in to his most syrupy indulgences.
Audiences then and now don't generally agree, though - it's undeniably messy, but there's charm radiating off every frame of this thing, from Williams and Dustin Hoffman's performances to the sublime cinematography, costumes, and production design.
In the hands of another filmmaker and lead actor Hook might not be regarded quite so fondly today by audiences, but it's stood the test of time surprisingly well.