10 Movies The Critics Were Wrong About

2. Underwater

Underwater 2020

Sci-fi horror film Underwater came and went in a blink at the start of 2020, sloughing into cinemas shortly before the pandemic shut them down, where it did little business and received a sniffy 48% approval from reviewers.

Yet in the near-five years since, Underwater has enjoyed a swift turnaround in public opinion, with many general viewers seeing the film on streaming and praising it for its mood, atmosphere, visuals, and performances.

Some have even gone far enough to call Underwater both a spiritual successor and love letter to the Alien franchise, given its many tonal and aesthetic similarities. It certainly pairs nicely with the recently released Alien: Romulus, that's for sure.

While hardly the most original sci-fi horror out there, Underwater's claustrophobic filmmaking makes it an uncommonly anxious probe into the ocean depths, and one that's surely going to endure with horror fans in the decades to come.

Critical opinion on this one has aged like milk, basically.

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Stay at home dad who spends as much time teaching his kids the merits of Martin Scorsese as possible (against the missus' wishes). General video game, TV and film nut. Occasional sports fan. Full time loon.