10 Movies The Critics Were Wrong About

8. Jennifer's Body

Underwater 2020

The Diablo Cody-penned horror-comedy Jennifer's Body was largely trashed by critics upon release, and today still sits at a middling 46%.

And yet, public opinion on the film shifted considerably in light of 2017's #MeToo movement, where Jennifer's Body found itself connecting with a fleet of new viewers who found its feminist horror and primary theme of bodily autonomy extremely timely.

This is another case of a film that probably released a few years too early to get the critical plaudits it really deserved, for while it's certainly quite different from the more campy schlock it was marketed as, it's still a tenaciously entertaining romp that rocks a genuinely strong performance from Megan Fox.

It's a film that "hits different" these days, as the kids say, and while the critics of 2009 were too keen to dismiss it as an obnoxious mess, it's only become more timely as the years have passed.

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Stay at home dad who spends as much time teaching his kids the merits of Martin Scorsese as possible (against the missus' wishes). General video game, TV and film nut. Occasional sports fan. Full time loon.