10 Movies The Rest Of The Franchise Completely Ignored

2. Texas Chainsaw 3D Was Technically A Sequel To The Original

Tcm Most horror franchises tend to be rebooted once before the producers realise it€™s probably a good idea to shelve it. Not with Texas Chainsaw Massacre. The original was one of the most revolutionary horrors of all time, laying the groundwork for the eighties slasher craze. Banned in the UK until 1998, Tobe Hooper€™s film (and to a lesser extent its sequel) was pure horror gold. Since then, the series has been rebooted a varying number of times, depending on how you view the sequels. Obviously there€™s the Michael Bay produced take on it from the naughties, but both Leatherface and The Next Generation could be taken as reboots; they share elements with Hooper€™s films, but have enough new to be said to be set in their own world. In the current version of the character, none of those matter, however. No one saw Texas Chainsaw 3D because the promise of a horror event is negated when it€™s both piggybacking on a film four decades old and the craze of adding to a ticket price for a dimmed image, so many missed that it wasn't actually an all out remake. Ignoring every film since 1974, it€™s a sequel to the original, making everything else worthless. Which begs the question; why such a remakey title?

Film Editor (2014-2016). Loves The Usual Suspects. Hates Transformers 2. Everything else lies somewhere in the middle. Once met the Chuckle Brothers.