10 Movies Weirdly Changed (Nobody Knows Why)

6. Removing Moustapha Akkad's Credit - Halloween II

Men In Black Dialogue Change

Much like the original Halloween, its 1981 sequel was executive produced by Moustapha Akkad, who served as one of the franchise's earliest financiers. 

The opening titles for Halloween II as such include the credit, "Moustapha Akkad presents...," but for the 30th Anniversary Blu-ray release in 2011, Akkad's credit was removed and replaced with "Universal, An MCA Company, Presents," in a font that didn't match the rest of the credits' distinctive look, no less.

Fans decried Akkad's erasure from the credits, not merely due to the early role he played in bankrolling the franchise, but also because Akkad died in 2005, and so removing his well-earned credit a few years later seemed in poor taste.

Akkad's son called the change "disgusting," while fans organised a boycott of the disc, prompting Universal to release an updated version of the Blu-ray a few months later which restored Akkad's name to the credits. 

In the very least, the distributor allowed fans who'd already bought their copies to receive a free replacement.

Quite why Akkad's name was taken off the credits in the first place, though, is anyone's guess.


Stay at home dad who spends as much time teaching his kids the merits of Martin Scorsese as possible (against the missus' wishes). General video game, TV and film nut. Occasional sports fan. Full time loon.