10 Movies Weirdly Changed (Nobody Knows Why)

7. The Ultra-Green Colour Grade - The Matrix

Men In Black Dialogue Change
Warner Bros.

The various home releases of The Matrix have been a source of considerable controversy for fans, given that the 2008 Blu-ray release severely cranked up the presence of the colour green throughout the film - especially during the Matrix-set scenes.

While The Matrix has always had a distinctive, sickly green hue to it since its original theatrical release, the 2008 Blu-ray took this too far in the eyes of many fans, such that many scenes end up looking markedly different from their more muted appearance in cinemas and on early DVD.

It's been suggested that the colorists who worked on the greened-up Blu-ray attempted to make the film more aesthetically consistent with its two 2003 sequels, both of which featured a more overpowering green tone.

And yet, given that The Matrix's cinematographer, Bill Pope, oversaw the most recent 4K Blu-ray release and restored its original theatrical colour grade, that clearly wasn't the intent of either Pope or the Wachowskis. 


Stay at home dad who spends as much time teaching his kids the merits of Martin Scorsese as possible (against the missus' wishes). General video game, TV and film nut. Occasional sports fan. Full time loon.