10 Movies Weirdly Changed (Nobody Knows Why)

3. No Stairway - Wayne's World

Men In Black Dialogue Change

One of the most memorable gags in Wayne's World sees Wayne (Mike Myers) attempting to play Led Zeppelin's "Stairway to Heaven" in a guitar shop, only to be stopped by an employee, who points to a sign that reads, "NO Stairway to Heaven."

And if you didn't see Wayne's World in cinemas, you ended up seeing a subtly different version of the scene, albeit one which ultimately doesn't work nearly as well.

In the theatrical version, Wayne plays the iconic opening four notes from Stairway to Heaven before being stopped, but for all home releases until recently, this was replaced with a generic distorted guitar sound.

Now, while we know that Led Zeppelin reportedly asked for $100,000 for Stairway's four notes to be included in Wayne's World's home video release - hence their exclusion - what makes less sense is why Wayne's altered guitar playing sounds absolutely nothing like Stairway to Heaven.

Why wouldn't they simply re-record four new notes that sound similar to Stairway while being different enough to avoid legal recourse? 

Instead we get some generic distortion that sounds nothing like Stairway and therefore ruined the joke for an entire generation of viewers.

Thankfully the recent 4K Blu-ray finally restored the original Stairway notes, presumably at considerable cost.


Stay at home dad who spends as much time teaching his kids the merits of Martin Scorsese as possible (against the missus' wishes). General video game, TV and film nut. Occasional sports fan. Full time loon.