10 Movies Where The Killer Never Gets Caught

9. Zodiac

Memories of Murder (2003)
Paramount Pictures

In the case of David Fincher's masterful thriller Zodiac, it was of course shackled to the reality of its true crime story - that the real Zodiac Killer has never been caught to this very day.

Fincher's tightly wound dramatisation of Zodiac's rampage across 1960s Northern California shows the killer only in fleeting glimpses, refusing to commit to a concrete identity with multiple actors taking on the role throughout the film.

As in real life, Fincher's Zodiac is never brought to justice, leaving as many as 37 victims to his name if the killer's own claims can be believed.

Even though Fincher's film theorises that the killer may have been suspect Arthur Leigh Allen (John Carroll Lynch), he's never been categorically tied to Zodiac in a more-than-circumstantial way by the authorities, and additionally passed away in 1992.

In many respects the movie's ending is satisfying precisely because it's unsatisfying, refusing to substitute the bleak truth for a sanitised Hollywood ending.


Stay at home dad who spends as much time teaching his kids the merits of Martin Scorsese as possible (against the missus' wishes). General video game, TV and film nut. Occasional sports fan. Full time loon.