10 Movies Where The Killer Never Gets Caught

8. Match Point

Memories of Murder (2003)

Woody Allen's Match Point boasts one of the most genuinely loathsome protagonists in cinema history, as retired tennis pro Chris (Jonathan Rhys Meyers) dates a young woman from a wealthy family, Chloe (Emily Mortimer), all while conducting an affair with American woman Nola (Scarlett Johansson).

Once Chris marries Chloe, Nola informs him that she's pregnant, and when he urges her to get an abortion, she refuses, instead trying to persuade him to divorce his wife.

The net begins closing in on Chris as Chloe suspects he's cheating, at which point Chris takes a shotgun from his father-in-law and murders Nola and, by extension, their unborn child, while staging the crime scene as a robbery.

All while Chris attempts to get his life back to normal with his now-pregnant wife, the police investigation starts centering around him.

Furthermore, Chris carelessly disposes of a ring he took from the scene while staging the robbery, yet this thread is abruptly tied up when said ring is found on the body of a murdered local drug addict, prompting the police to clear Chris of killing Nola.

Chloe consequently gives birth to a son, and Chris receives no punishment for his actions whatsoever.

Basically, Chris was a grade-A sociopath who managed to win through pure, dumb luck when somebody else inadvertently took the fall for his crime by simply picking up a ring.


Stay at home dad who spends as much time teaching his kids the merits of Martin Scorsese as possible (against the missus' wishes). General video game, TV and film nut. Occasional sports fan. Full time loon.