10 Movies Where The Villain Was Dead All Along

3. Scarlet & Chad - Farm House

Hell House Sara Havel
IFA Distribution

The protagonists of Farm House are a married couple, Scarlet (Jamie Anne Allman) and Chad (William Lee Scott), who move to Seattle after the death of their infant son.

While driving one night, Chad falls asleep and crashes their car, leaving them stranded in the sticks with nothing but a nearby farmhouse for sanctuary. 

The owners of said farmhouse, Sam (Steven Weber) and Lilith (Kelly Hu), invite them to stay for the night, but swiftly turn violent with plans to torture and kill them.

Scarlet and Chad do eventually overcome their assailants and flee the farmhouse, only to somehow end up back there, where they're met by an inexplicably still-alive Sam and Lilith, who reveal that Scarlet and Chad died in the original car accident.

Moreover, they're now in Hell, at which point Satan rocks up to reveal that they're being punished for killing their own infant son in an attempt to collect insurance money and pay off Chad's mountain of debt.

Rather than condemning them to Hell for eternity, though, Satan gives them a second chance to actually raise their son this time, with the ending leaving audiences to consider whether they pair have actually changed for the better.

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Stay at home dad who spends as much time teaching his kids the merits of Martin Scorsese as possible (against the missus' wishes). General video game, TV and film nut. Occasional sports fan. Full time loon.