10 Movies Where The Villain Was Dead All Along

4. Lukas - Goodnight Mommy

Hell House Sara Havel

Goodnight Mommy is a deeply unsettling horror in which a pair of twins, Elias and Lukas (Elias and Lukas Shwarz), come to question whether their mother (Susanne Wuest) is really their mother after she returns from a cosmetic surgery procedure.

With mommy's increasingly out-of-character behaviour, the brothers tie her up and torture her in an attempt to get a confession, and even booby-trap the house to prevent her escaping.

Elias resorts to setting the house on fire in an attempt to get to the truth, at which point it's revealed that Lukas has actually been dead the entire time, having perished in a drowning accident while playing with Elias before the events of the movie.

So, while Lukas technically can't be a villain of the movie because he's a mere hallucination in Elias' mind and no longer exists in reality, as Elias experiences things, Lukas is right there alongside him and "helps" him burn the house down, killing their mother and most likely Elias also in the process.

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Stay at home dad who spends as much time teaching his kids the merits of Martin Scorsese as possible (against the missus' wishes). General video game, TV and film nut. Occasional sports fan. Full time loon.