10 Movies That Will Make You Re-Evaluate Your Life

2. The Matrix

"What you know you can't explain, but you feel it. You've felt it your entire life, that there's something wrong with the world. You don't know what it is, but it's there, like a splinter in your mind, driving you mad." If we're honest, The Matrix is really a combination of many of the ideas mentioned in the previous films. It tackles not only the uncertainty of reality, but the necessity to break free of restrictive molds. It addresses individuality, potential, and purpose; the film is essentially a melting pot of influential messages, and that's not necessarily a bad thing. The plot has been a catalyst for many philosophical discussions since the movie's release at the turn of the century, and that in and of itself makes it one of the most influential films in recent history. We're sure that more than a handful of people are convinced that we live in an elaborate virtual reality, and we probably have The Matrix to thank for that; the way we see it, the chance of that actually being the case is really 50/50, so it's only natural that the concept has been at the forefront of all of our minds for quite some time. In all seriousness, The Matrix is truly a thought-provoking film that focuses on a diverse number of issues, in a way so wonderfully executed that it is still considered one of the most popular movies of our current generation. We find ourselves sympathetic to Neo's plight much in the way that we were drawn to Truman Burbank's; here is an individual whose reality has been completely destroyed, and yet he still finds the drive to discover the truth, no matter the cost. Neo's perseverance is admirable, and is a trait that we as humans could serve to benefit from. We can credit several things to the influence of The Matrix, and its message is certainly not the least of them.

Currently living in Orlando, Florida, Riley is a 19 year old Journalism major with her sights set on film and television review.