10 Movies That Will Make You Re-Evaluate Your Life

1. Fight Club

"We buy things we don't need, with money we don't have, to impress people we don't like."

Although somewhat of a deviation from the rest of the films on this list, Fight Club is certainly one of the most influential. With brilliant performances from Brad Pitt, Edward Norton, and Helena Bonham Carter, it's no surprise as to why this film has become one of the most popular cult classics to date. However, even with such a presence in the film community, Fight Club still manages to be one of the most complex and subjective movies that audiences have had the pleasure of experiencing. With the utilization of several underlying themes, it is able to cater to a diverse group of people, and allow them to apply to their lives what they find most relevant. But admittedly, the overarching message that we can take from the film is that of the realization that we don't need someone else's validation in order to be happy.

Through the example of The Narrator's obsession with purchasing the things he felt would define him as a person, we are shown a reality that hits close to home. It's a well known fact that we often turn to material things in order to make us feel important. In the end, Fight Club not only pushed the message of anti-consumerism, but the entire concept of not letting insignificant details prevent us from reaching our full potential. This means that materialism isn't necessarily the biggest threat to our personal progress; many times we are impeded by worrying about what other people might think, or by the possibility of not living up to another's expectations. Ultimately, if we have a goal in mind, we can't afford to be preoccupied by the fear of social ostracism.

If we continue to let others dictate the way we should be living, purely based off of their own ideals and practices, then we are not fulfilling our own capabilities to break free and become someone great. Fight Club shows us the importance of individuality, and encourages us to steer clear of our overwhelming tendencies to allow others to control the way we think, the things we do, and the life to which we aspire.

Choosing the films on this list was no easy task, as there are hundreds of inspiring titles to choose from. Do you have a favorite life-changing film that didn't make it onto the list? Don't hesitate to mention it in a comment below!


Currently living in Orlando, Florida, Riley is a 19 year old Journalism major with her sights set on film and television review.