10 Movies With INSANE Casts You've Never Heard Of

1. Prince Of Jutland

10 Years
Constantin Film

Prince of Jutland, or Royal Deceit as it's known internationally, is a 1994 drama-adventure film starring Christian Bale as a Danish prince who seeks vengeance against the tyrannical king (Gabriel Byrne) who killed his father and usurped the throne.

In addition to Bale and Byrne, the cast contains the enviable likes of Helen Mirren, Brian Cox, Kate Beckinsale, Freddie Jones, Tom Wilkinson, Andy Serkis, and Ewen Bremner. Whew.

Though evidently an early work for the likes of Bale, Beckinsale, and Serkis in particular, the senior cast was immensely well-respected at the time, and it also happened to be helmed by Oscar-winning filmmaker Gabriel Axel (Babette's Feast). And yet, online reviews from major outlets are scarce, and there's no box office information available about the film whatsoever. 

Brutal audience scores suggest that those few punters who actually bothered to watch Prince of Jutland, however, found it rather boring.

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Stay at home dad who spends as much time teaching his kids the merits of Martin Scorsese as possible (against the missus' wishes). General video game, TV and film nut. Occasional sports fan. Full time loon.