10 Movies With Unexpectedly Ridiculous Plots

8. Hellraiser Bloodline

Noah Movie Crowe
Dimension Films

The movie that kickstarted the trend for sending horror villains into space (see also: Leprechaun In Space, Jason X), Hellraiser Bloodline incurred the wrath of Dimension Films, who were aghast at an over-elaborate narrative that took place in 18th Century France, modern day New York and on a 22nd Century spaceship. 

Thinking they were getting a more traditional sequel, the company restructured the film to tell the story in flashback from aboard a space vessel in 2127, with added voiceover struggling to make sense of the choppy assembly of scenes. As the characters pursue a puzzle box that can open the gates of hell, their motivations are glossed over, with some of them disappearing from the narrative altogether.

A moron movie through and through, Bloodline is a demographic-chasing ‘product’ full of Idiot Victims, lame zingers, pointless screaming and… no, that’s it. Unless you’re making a movie as wilfully stupid as Leprechaun In Space, it’s probably better if you don’t send your monster into orbit at all, lest he become a Talking Villain who’s ultimately outsmarted by a hologram.  


Ian Watson is the author of 'Midnight Movie Madness', a 600+ page guide to "bad" movies from 'Reefer Madness' to 'Poultrygeist: Night of the Chicken Dead.'