10 Movies Within Movies Everyone Wanted To See

4. Stab 5 - Scream 4

22 jump street end credits
Dimension Films

To further poke fun at both the horror genre and Hollywood in general, Scream 2 opens by revealing that a film, Stab, has been made based on the first movie's Ghostface murders.

It's clearly implied throughout the Scream franchise that the Stab movies are pretty tawdry cash-ins on a real-life tragedy, and as amusing as they do mostly seem, there's one mentioned in Scream 4 that absolutely takes the cake.

During the movie's almost overwhelmingly meta pre-titles sequence, we end up meeting high schoolers Jenny (Aimee Teegarden) and Marnie (Britt Robertson), who are watching Stab 7 while discussing the state of the series.

At this point, Stab mega-fan Jenny explains to her less-than-enthusiastic pal that only the original three Stab movies are based on Sydney Prescott's (Neve Campbell) experiences, as she threatened to sue them if they kept producing horror films based on her life.

Jenny then casually mentions that Stab 5 has time travel, before adding that it's "by far the worst," and in the recent fifth film, Richie (Jack Quaid) also says that the series "went off the rails" by this point.

It's effectively a parody of patently ridiculous slasher sequels like the space-set Jason X, and how desperate horror franchises can get to keep audiences interested.

And while we sadly haven't seen a single frame of Stab 5 in any of the Scream films, it certainly sounds delightfully unhinged.

Fans have speculated that the plot could involve Ghostface going back in time to wipe out one of Sydney's ancestors, Terminator-style, which is actually kind of awesome.


Stay at home dad who spends as much time teaching his kids the merits of Martin Scorsese as possible (against the missus' wishes). General video game, TV and film nut. Occasional sports fan. Full time loon.