10 Movies You Can Never Finish

2. A Serbian Film

A Serbian Film
Contra Film

A Serbian Film is undoubtedly the most controversial and heavily debated entry into the torture porn genre.

It's a deeply upsetting exploitation film in which a porn star, Milos (Srđan Todorović), agrees to one last job, where he'll be paid a large sum to participate in an "art film," provided he ask no questions about the assignment.

On one hand, A Serbian Film is a shameless piece of schlock posing as art: after all, it features a scene where Milos stabs a man in the eye with his erect penis.

But most of the film's violent scenes aren't, in fact, played for laughs - not intentional ones, anyway - and frequently tow an extremely discomforting line, given how often the violence is intermingled with sex.

Yet if seeing a woman decapitated mid-coitus isn't enough to make you nope out, the scene where a newborn baby is raped, after which a pornographer proudly shouts, "Newborn porn!," surely will be.

This isn't a long sit by any means, but it sure as hell feels like it, and needless to say, only the hardiest, edgiest film buffs even bothered sticking around for the entirety.


Stay at home dad who spends as much time teaching his kids the merits of Martin Scorsese as possible (against the missus' wishes). General video game, TV and film nut. Occasional sports fan. Full time loon.