10 Movies You Constantly Have To Defend Hating

1. Any Quentin Tarantino Film

Joker movie

When it comes to filmmakers, Quentin Tarantino is undoubtedly one of them. He's the favourite director of approximately 100% of first-year film students because "he just does things really differently and that". That is not to say that Tarantino isn't a good filmmaker - he's very talented indeed. His portfolio includes work such as Reservoir Dogs, Pulp Fiction and the wonderful Inglourious Basterds, after all.

Even at his worst, Tarantino's films are remarkably well-presented and directed. But therein lies the rub - presentation and directing cannot always make up for poor writing, and let's face it, the man is in dire need of a script editor. Wading through dialogue in Tarantino's films is frequently a chore, and characters' endless need to act as a mouthpiece for the director and discuss their favourite cult movies or theorise over the hidden meaning of a Madonna song causes scenes to run on far longer than necessary. It's almost the polar opposite of Inception and its dry expository dialogue.

Yet this seems to be one of the main draws for countless fans who stubbornly cling to Tarantino's work as if it's an untouchable pantheon. Maybe the godlike status that Tarantino has accrued has caused him to treat his own writing like every word is solid gold.


Neo-noir enjoyer, lover of the 1990s Lucasarts adventure games and detractor of just about everything else. An insufferable, over-opinionated pillock.