10 Movies You Didn't Realise Had Post-Credit Scenes

7. Jackass: The Movie

Harry Potter And The Chamber Of Secrets

Johnny Knoxville, Steve-O and their friends have made a fortune from putting themselves in danger and performing ridiculous stunts along the way. Despite all their skits and gimmicks, though, a post credit scene is the last thing a lot of fans expect from one of the Jackass movies, let alone the first one they made.

One of the best running pranks in the movies is the Jackass guys disguised as old men, where they wear thick wrinkled prosthetics and go out and annoy the public, usually with crude jokes or painful pranks. Usually it's one or maybe two of them in full makeup but this post credit scene has all of them.

For the committed fans that stuck it out to the end, they are treated to "Son of Jackass", a joke sequel scheduled for Summer 2063. The guys recreate their own opening sequence where they all get blown up in several random explosions while all dressed as geriatrics.

The scene acts as one final farewell to the audience by treating them to another ridiculous stunt, all while making fun of themselves by suggesting they will keep doing their crazy feats even well into their 80's.

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Harry Potter
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