10 Movies You Had No Idea They Remade

9. Cube

Tucker and Dale vs Evil Handsome Guys

Cube is the textbook definition of a cult classic, an expertly crafted low-budget genre film that has remained popular with sci-fi and thriller fans more than 25 years after its initial release. And honestly, it's surprising that it's taken so long for somebody to remake it. 

A bigger-budgeted American remake was first announced in 2015, yet still hasn't come to fruition, allowing Japan to get in there first. 2021's Japanese version of Cube is a glossier take on the source material that rather pointlessly adds 20 minutes of tedious bloat to the runtime.

The characters are nowhere near as memorable, the traps lack the same savage appeal, and nothing of true merit has been gained by amping up the production values. There's something to be said for the scrappy resourcefulness of Vincenzo Natali's original film, produced for just $350,000 CAD, whereas this nothingburger of a remake is dangerously close to being genuinely soulless. 

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Stay at home dad who spends as much time teaching his kids the merits of Martin Scorsese as possible (against the missus' wishes). General video game, TV and film nut. Occasional sports fan. Full time loon.