10 Movies You Had No Idea They Remade

4. The Slumber Party Massacre

Tucker and Dale vs Evil Handsome Guys
Shout Factory

Given that the original Slumber Party Massacre is a shameless slice of sexed-up '80s exploitation schlock, there are many who surely assumed a remake would be off the table in the modern era. But director Danishka Esterhazy gamely tackled a remake/reimagining in 2021, which ditched the gratuitous female nudity of the original and amped up the feminist themes, ultimately landing an impressive 100% score on Rotten Tomatoes.

As for why you probably haven't heard of it despite the rave reviews? The remake perhaps ill-advisedly forewent a theatrical release, instead debuting rather nonchalantly on the SyFy Channel mere weeks after its premiere at Fantastic Fest.

Though there are certainly those who miss the unapologetic sleaze of the 1982 original - it is called The Slumber Party Massacre, after all - the remake does feel more in line with Rita Mae Brown's original vision for the '82 film, which was designed as a parody of slasher flicks before the studio morphed it into a more serious horror romp.

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Stay at home dad who spends as much time teaching his kids the merits of Martin Scorsese as possible (against the missus' wishes). General video game, TV and film nut. Occasional sports fan. Full time loon.