10 Movies You Hated Before You Even Saw Them
8. Ghostbusters (2016)

There’s nothing that makes me want to rip my own hair out and set my laptop on fire quite like ‘Girlboss’ culture. The moment Hollywood realised they could make a quick buck by making terrible female-fronted movies was the moment god finally abandoned us.
Instead of giving funding to upcoming female directors, smaller female scriptwriters and new, diverse female talent, all they have to do is follow this very easy formula then rake in the dollars.
Take one famously male-fronted franchise or idea, replace the men with female characters and then make sure the script gives none of them any substance, leaves their motivations and backstories completely hollow and overall, don’t try too hard with the story.
Ghostbusters, Oceans 8, yada yada yada. They’re all the same: bad movies that studios knew were bad, but also knew that didn’t matter because you just need to put women at the front and then watch the world go mad.
Half the audience had it in for Ghost Busters right away, either because they’re men who think women are pushing them out of the film industry (ha ha ha), or they’re women who saw the film for the cash-grab rubbish it was. The other half had hoped that maybe this would be different, and not just 2 hours of Melissa McCarthy setting feminism back another ten years.
Essentially, all of us were let down. The hate was excessive, but not totally invalid.