10 Movies You Hated Before You Even Saw Them
9. Cars
I could write a list a mile long about why this film is a horrible concept, anyone with two brain cells to rub together can recognise it.
The universe was devoid of humans, seemingly just a lazy move to avoid having to make any lore or backstory. But if the world is just cars, who built all the infrastructure? Cars don't have hands, nevermind opposable thumbs. If the cars get in a crash, do they need life insurance or car insurance to get fixed up? And who fixes them? A car doctor, a mechanic? (Which is still a car doctor.)
Even the design purposely messed up the one thing we could all agree should be there: If cars had eyes, they should be the headlights, not randomly floating in the windscreen!
The world felt completely hollow, and we all suspected the film would be just the first instalment in a line of underwhelming sequels. We were right.
The actual movie is fine, kids enjoyed it, I guess. It was just such a letdown from the get-go and symbolised something we all hate about big studios: Throwing out creativity and fun ideas in favour of making bank.