10 Movies You Hated Before You Even Saw Them

5. Batman And Robin

Batman And Robin
Warner Bros. Pictures

Why people hated it: Mass hatred of Batman And Robin is one of those universal constants, like the speed of light or other sciency stuff we don't understand. But not all of the dislike of the film that almost broke the Bat came in reaction to it.

That Batman And Robin was a complete disaster wasn't a surprise in any way. This was the early days of the internet, with sites like Ain't It Cool News just coming into existence and quickly making a name for themselves in the industry. Any pre-release images of the film were brutally dissected in a way that makes modern methods look lazy, with audiences fully prepared for it to suck.

That's why it struggled so much at the box office; people had known it was a frozen squib months before. A lot of the hate at the time came from the costume design, with some rather unsettling abuse thrown against gay director Joel Schumacher for homosexualising a series trying so hard to escape that label. You can see why that argument has been dropped over time.

Was the hate justified: It wouldn't still stand as the nadir of the superhero genre if it wasn't terrible. Obviously Schwarzenegger's ice-puns are painful and bat-nipples woefully ill-advised, but its real crime is ignoring all the good Tim Burton did in making the franchise massive and instead invoking the Adam West TV series.


Film Editor (2014-2016). Loves The Usual Suspects. Hates Transformers 2. Everything else lies somewhere in the middle. Once met the Chuckle Brothers.